Hungarian Conservative

Search Results for: military – Page 33

The Taliban have been doing quite well economically through the fleecing of international humanitarian aid and making deals with draconian countries like China.
‘We try and keep the illusion awake in ourselves that we can cross to Nagyvárad or drop by to Nagyszalonta and then run from Makó to Arad, as it used
How will the struggle between Russia and the West play out? The answer to that may depend on Hungary.
With Finland’s accession, NATO will become stronger, and as Finland becomes a safer place through membership, Sweden’s security environment will also improve and bring the country closer to full integration.
‘1956 could teach us lessons in all these areas today. And I hope that wise Hungarian politicians, and we have always had them, will search this road.’
‘As I myself experienced as the first director of the Hungarian Cultural Centre (Liszt Institute) in Zagreb, which opened in January 2014, Croats have a positive attitude towards Hungarian culture.
Surprisingly, the earliest royal secular knightly order in Europe was founded in 1326 in Hungary, a country just emerging from civil war, by King Charles I, in honour of St
In order to better understand Machiavelli, one should not just read The Prince. One must examine all of his works, and do so specifically within the context of the socio-political
According to press reports, Giorgia Meloni is in an endeavour to persuade Viktor Orbán to withdraw his veto on the €50 billion EU aid to Ukraine, offering a unique deal
‘Reality does not seem to bother some journalists, politicians and influencers. They are not interested in offering solutions, for instance by exerting pressure on the Palestinians to hand over those