Hungarian Conservative

Orbán Meets Zelenskyy at the Inauguration of the Argentinian President

Photographs and television footage from the inauguration revealed a meeting and exchange of words between PM Orbán of Hungary and President Zelenskyy of Ukraine. According to the Hungarian PM’s chief press secretary, the two statesmen were discussing the ongoing negotiations about Ukraine’s potential EU accession.

Time to Stop Appeasing Iran

‘Before a military operation is even conceivable, Washington and the EU Member States must abandon the so-called “good relations” with Iran. There is nothing good in a “relation” where the other side is going to profit from it, and thereby continue to sponsor terrorists. After all is said and done, then, perhaps we can discuss, or even assume, good relaions.’

A soldier firing his weapon at the joint rifle practice of the Hungarian and Italian troops of NATO’s Forward Land Force Battlegroup in Hajdúhadház, Hungary on 16 November 2023.

A Page Out of Orbán’s Playbook: Michel’s European Defence Concept Echoes the Ideas of the Hungarian PM

The establishment of a common European defence ministry would not immediately resolve all problems. As no concrete details are currently available about the idea, significant conclusions cannot be drawn. What is certain, however, is that joint procurement, coordinated development and production could significantly enhance the competitiveness and capacity of the European defence industry, and a robust defence industry stands as the most crucial pillar of the continent’s security.

Kossuth drives up Broadway on 6 December 1851.

Lajos Kossuth: a Hungarian Hero Celebrated in America

Renowned Hungarian revolutionary and statesman Lajos Kossuth arrived on the shores of the United States on 6 December 1851. He was received by a warm welcome and outpour of enthusiasm, from the highest ranking politicians and the ‘common folk’ alike, who lauded him for his pursuit of Hungarian freedom.

The Fallen Soldier by Vasily Vereshchagin (c. 1878)

War Fatigue and the Tragedy of the Russian-Ukrainian War

According to estimates, in November Russia suffered over 900 casualties a day; thousands of Ukrainian civilians and more than 30,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed since the start of the invasion. It is clear that the cost of the war is becoming unbearably high.