Hungarian Conservative

How Hungary Has Become a Safe Haven for Israeli-Jewish Refugees

After Hamas brutally attacked Israel on 7 October, the refugee camp on the shore of Lake Balaton in Hungary was converted into a safe haven for Israeli Jews who wanted to escape with their families from the horrors of war. The camp now houses around 250 people, including 100 children, most of whom have fled from Israel since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war.

Debate on Migration in UN Security Council

During a debate in the UN Security Council, Foreign Minister Szijjártó of Hungary argued that the international community should focus on trying to improve the conditions in the migrants’ countries of origin instead of hosting them in more developed foreign countries. He also suggested that migration should be examined from a security, not a humanitarian perspective.

Lt General Nicola Zanelli, Deputy Commander of NATO's Land Command inspects a joint Hungarian-Italian exercise of the Forward Land Force Battlegroup on 16 November 2023 in Hajdúhadház, Hungary.

Hungary’s Crucial Role in Defending NATO’s Eastern Flank

Hungary’s geographical location gives it an important role on NATO’s eastern flank and the Alliance is very grateful to Hungary for hosting one of the eight NATO battle groups, Deputy Commander of NATO’s Land Command (LANDCOM) Nicola Zanelli said in an interview with HDF website

A Hungarian Crusade: King Andrew II in the Holy Land

French historian René Grousset was the first in the international literature to show an understanding of the Crusade of Andrew II and many more continue to do so today. We do not see the campaign as successful because it was Hungarian, but because it was, in its time, a uniquely well-led, and, in our modern terms, ‘peace-making’ campaign with limited objectives.

Image from page 211 of "The survey of Western Palestine-Jerusalem" (1884)

Critical Thought Should Be Saved from Postcolonial Terror Apologists

One thing is clear: it is ethically good to reject antisemitism and terror apologetics. Such basic uprightness does not conflict with critical reflections on a heterogeneous, power-unequal world—because genuine critical thinking has never caused anyone to become an anti-Semite or a terror apologist.

János Bóka conversing with his Italian counterpart Raffaele Fitto on 15 November 2023 in Brussels.

Why the EU’s Ukraine Policy Ought to Be Reassessed

Minister of EU Affairs János Bóka of Hungary told reporters in Belgium on Wednesday that the EU’s policy of sending excessive military aid to Ukraine should be critically re-evaluated. The minister also declared that the EU must demand that the hostages held by Hamas be released immediately and unconditionally.