Hungarian Conservative

Benjamin Netanyahu speaking at the Yad Labanim monument in Jerusalem on the Israeli Memorial Day (Yom Hazikaron) on 24 April 2023.

‘King Bibi’ — Who Is the Man Leading Israel to War?

Although a defining part of Netanyahu’s image is that of ‘Mr Security’, and he has even been nicknamed ‘King Bibi’, the spectacular fiasco of a 1997 Mossad operation he had ordered also earned him the epithet ‘Israel’s serial bungler’.

Ákos L. Nagy, President of the American Hungarian Federation

‘Correcting misleading assertions about Hungarians and defending Hungarian minority rights are our priority’ — An Interview with Ákos L. Nagy, President of the American Hungarian Federation

The American Hungarian Federation has been working tirelessly to preserve Hungarian culture and education in the United States, and has been a powerful advocate for the collective rights of Hungarians living in minority status in the Carpathian Basin. AHF also considers it its mission to dispel misleading narratives about Hungary and Trianon, AHF President Ákos Nagy told Hungarian Conservative.

Hezbollah supporters protest in solidarity with Gaza Palestinians in Beirut, Lebanon on 27 October 2023.

What is Hezbollah, and Why is it Battling Israel?

The recent outbreak of violence in the Middle East may soon lead to the opening of another front, where Israel would clash with Hezbollah. But what is this Lebanese Shia organization, and how did it come to be?

A solidarity march on 5 November 1956 in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. The banner reads ‘Help Hungary’.

A Fatal Case of Empathy — Hungary and the UN, 1956–1963

When the Soviet intervention against the Hungarian Revolution was placed on the agenda of the UN Security Council, the Soviets immediately vetoed it: their argument was that it was no more than a ‘reactionary uprising’ supported by the US. The French, meanwhile, were of the view that not only the UN Charter had been contravened in Hungary, but also the Paris Peace Treaties, and even the Warsaw Pact that served the legal foundation for the invasion. On the other hand, the United Kingdom questioned whether the use of Soviet military forces stationed in Hungary under a valid treaty and at the behest of the Hungarian government could even be called an intervention at all.

Budapesters look on as Soviet troops temporarily pull out of Budapest on 31 October 1956.

Football and Fifty-Six: Identity and Restoration

‘The speed and eagerness with which Hungarian clubs sought to return to their old identities, with all the loyalties and connections they represented, demonstrated the power of these emotional and social meanings. And it was just as clearly a mark of the utter failure of the Party to co-opt and utilise the power of football for its own purposes. The Party abandoned the micro-management of football, paralleling its wider realisation after 1956 that, while its authority was still non- negotiable, it could and would not protect and justify it through the politicisation of society or the ideological mobilisation of the people.’

A motorist in Tehran gestures while driving past a giant billboard depicting Muslim peoples walking with their national flags towards the Dome of the Rock shrine in Jerusalem on 25 October 2023.

The War in Gaza: ‘You Stop Iran, You Stop Hamas’

‘Hamas’ 7 October attacks have nothing to do with the grievances of the average Palestinian. Rather, it is part of their jihad (holy war) that is sponsored by the theocracy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which must be stopped…peace can only come after the Hamas terrorists are eliminated and Iran is properly dealt with.’

Viktor Orbán delivering his remarks at the Tusványos Festival on 26 July 2014.

Viktor Orbán Told Them So

‘It is one of history’s great ironies that Budapest, from which hundreds of thousands of European Jews were shipped to their deaths by the Nazis and their Hungarian collaborators, Jews can walk the streets this dreadful autumn without fear. This is an achievement for which Hungarians can and should be proud. Don’t expect European leaders to give Orbán credit. In fact, they will probably increase their public odium directed at him.’