Hungarian Conservative

Illegal immigrants walking in the desert after having crossed into the United States on June 5 2024.

Attempting to Solve the Crisis of Illegal Immigration in the U.S.

‘Most wishing to migrate to the U.S. are seeking a better life, contrary to the regional violence, corruption, and economic devastation in their home countries. If U.S. and Central American governments are able to institutionalize a ‘Marshall Plan’ as Washington had done for Europe after World War II, then perhaps a workable solution is possible. However, the U.S. needs to take the lead in this, though it would be unable to do so long as members of both Democratic and Republican Parties continue to childishly bicker with one another.’

Caspar David Friedrich, The Abbey in the Oakwood (1809–1810). Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin, Germany

Crisis? What Crisis?

‘Just as liberalism did not succeed in transforming people after socialism, neither did the competing anti-liberal, post-Christian, nihilistic trends. The solution is certainly not political or movement-based: those had already failed by the middle of the twentieth century.’

EU Pro-War Foreign Ministers Take Aim at Hungary in Tense Foreign Council Meeting

The informal meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council took place amid heightened tensions in Brussels on 29 August. The mood was set by Josep Borrell’s decision to relocate the meeting from Budapest to the Belgian capital as a signal of disapproval of Viktor Orbán’s peace mission. Ahead of the meeting, pro-war ministers issued statements criticizing the Hungarian government, and the tense atmosphere carried over into the discussions in the meeting room.

Vladimir Putin chairs an online meeting on the situation in Belgorod, Kursk and Bryansk regions following an incursion of Ukrainian troops in the course of Russia-Ukraine conflict.

On the Highway to Hell

There are a number of conventional weapons whose appearance in US adversaries’ hands can cause serious damage to American interests all around the world. It is not difficult to imagine the threat of hypersonic anti-ship weapons, barely interceptable by contemporary air defence weaponry, on commercial ships, not only on the Red Sea. Arming let’s say Mexican drug cartels with modern anti-tank equipment could also seriously hamper US efforts to block the flow of drugs into the country.

A woman is watching Lebanese Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah’s speech in a car in Batroun, Lebanon on 25 August 2024 after Hezbollah launched 340 rockets on Israel in the morning.

German Components Found in Hezbollah’s Drone Used Against Israel

Germany has some of the most stringent export control laws in the world, especially concerning dual-use technologies that can be utilized for both civilian and military purposes. But the discovery of German-manufactured parts in Hezbollah’s arsenal raises troubling questions about the effectiveness of these regulations.

People in pirogues navigate their way in the slum community of Makoko in Lagos, Nigeria's commercial capital, on 19 October 2022

The Geopolitics of the Demographic Shift

‘The demographic shift also suggests a move towards an increasingly multipolar world order. Not bipolar, but multipolar. While the West’s demographic weight is rapidly declining, so is that of its main opponent, China, and to such an extent that its aspirations to take over the role of global hegemon from the United States no longer seem feasible, and its economy may even slide into stagnation.’

Hungarian Defence Forces Welcome National Champion Athletes into Reserve Units

At the enlistment event Sergeant Ádám Boncz, a recruitment NCO, recalled to the media that the Defence Forces’ campaign titled ‘I Love It, I Protect It!’ was launched on 17 June and has since attracted continuous interest, with more and more citizens opting to join the reserve service of the Hungarian Defence Forces.

A UAV that flew into Israel from Lebanon shot down by a fighter jet of the Israeli Defense Forces on 25 August 2024.

Why Did Israel Launch a Pre-Emptive Strike on Southern Lebanon?

The escalation has raised concerns of a broader conflict in the region, as Israel declared a 48-hour state of emergency and placed restrictions on public gatherings and transport across the northern regions. Both sides have signalled that further actions may be taken, with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowing to protect the nation at all costs, while Hezbollah indicated that their response to ‘Israel’s provocations’ was only beginning.

Meeting of King Ladislaus IV of Hungary and Rudolph of Habsburg on the Battlefield of Marchfeld by Mór Than, 1873

Battle on the Marchfeld: Victory of Rudolf I of Habsburg and Ladislaus IV of Hungary over Ottokar II of Bohemia

Although it must be acknowledged that King Rudolf of Germany owed his victory primarily to his perseverance and strategic talent, there is no doubt that the Hungarian auxiliaries compensated for the small size of his army and seriously confused the Bohemian King Ottokar II. It is highly probable that without the thousands of Hungarian auxiliaries, the German King would not have undertaken the clash at the time and place he did.