Hungarian Conservative

Flowers laid on the triangular stone at the centre of a memorial pool of the Memorial to the Sinti and Roma Victims of National Socialism at the Tiergarten in Berlin on 27 January 2023.

Roma Holocaust: ‘A Methodical Attack on Our Most Fundamental Values’  

In her address marking Roma Holocaust Memorial Day, Fidesz MEP Livia Járóka said: ‘Almost 80 years later, it is still clear that what happened at the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp was genocide and a series of crimes against humanity in which innocent European citizens were exterminated on the basis of an exclusionary ideology whose only purpose was organised destruction.’

Hungarian Citizen Evacuated, Coup Crisis Escalates in Niger

The recent military coup in the West African nation of Niger has thrown the country into turmoil. The forcefully ousted President Bazoum is currently under ‘house arrest’, but he managed to publish an opinion piece in The Washington Post. One Hungarian citizen was successfully evacuated last week through a rescue mission organised by the Italian military.

Exercise of the Pro Patria et Libertate workout society in Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Some Historical and Civilisational Arguments Against the Federalisation of the EU

It could be rightly expected that the interpretation of law in the EU be guided by the foundations of European civilisation, namely morality embedded in Judeo-Christian culture. This morality is summed up in the Cain–Abel paradigm, which can inform the understanding of European justice systems when deciding how European laws should be applied or modified in the interest of Europe.

Coronation of Francis Joseph in Buda on 8 June 1867 by Edmund Tull.

Kuruc or Labanc? Hungary’s Eternal Fault Line — Part IV

‘The kuruc were never mindless rabble-rousers, just like the labanc were never simply unpatriotic traitors. While the merits and good practices of kuruc and 49ist politicians have been been amply publicised and celebrated, the labanc side was often sidelined, and as a result, their perspectives and values are still missing from contemporary politics. It would be worth devoting more attention to the ideas of the Young Conservatives from the Era of Reform. They understood that while our interests must be unwaveringly represented and fought for, Hungary cannot stand alone in turbulent times.’

Ukrainian soldiers parading.

The Complexities in Ending the War in Ukraine

It is quite clear that the Ukrainians would have never survived this long against the Russian aggression without the financial and military assistance of the US. Yet the Biden administration has thus far offered no strategic argument on behalf of the costs and risks, let alone what is the overall end objective of the war.

Cluster munition in Krasnohorivka, Ukraine.

Ukraine and Cluster Munitions — A Call for Caution

Unlike ‘unitary’ bombs, cluster munitions are not single shells; instead, they consist of a dispersive mechanism that releases numerous grenade-like bomblets mid-air, designed to explode upon impact. However, many of these smaller submunitions fail to detonate upon landing, remaining in the ground for extended periods, posing a threat to the civilian populations be they farmers, children playing or any passers-by.