Hungarian Conservative

From War Criminal to Communist Apparatchik

The fact that the war criminal Apaczeller was a Communist was not mentioned in the press at the time, except for the Jewish newspaper Új Élet…It is perhaps not surprising that the Communist state only dared to leak essential information about the case and that the majority of newspapers remained silent about Apaczeller’s ‘transformation’.

Europe as a Whole Should Be Expelled from NATO — A Reply to Tom Rogan

‘Normally, a member state’s disputes with Brussels about compliance with the EU regulations should not affect its NATO membership at all. What’s more, the European Union is not a ‘top-down organisation’, where one must comply with orders coming from the Brussels headquarters. Sanctions are decided by the European Council, consisting of the leaders of EU member states…There is no such thing as a single EU interest.’


Finland Becomes the 31st Member of NATO

With Finland’s accession, NATO will become stronger, and as Finland becomes a safer place through membership, Sweden’s security environment will also improve and bring the country closer to full integration.

What Can Hungary Learn from America’s Response to the Covenant School Shooting?

‘It has long been argued that if a society accepts the proposition of gender identity, or transgender identities, as fully valid for individual identification purposes, then all problems will simply disappear. Yet in the United States…we see that the embracing of tolerance and acceptance by a sitting head of state is still not enough.’

Hungarian President Meets Turkish Counterpart 

Hungarians will continue to provide assistance to Turkish people affected by the recent earthquake, Katalin Novák, President of Hungary said at a joint press conference held in Ankara on Wednesday with Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkey, following their meeting.