Hungarian Conservative

The Importance of the Hungarian–French Summit

Last week’s invitation of the French President shows that despite Hungary having disputes with the European Union and the EU funds due to our country are being withheld, the Hungarian Prime Minister is not at all an isolated actor in European political life.

Képernyőfotó 2022-03-15 - 18.45.59

15 March — The Day When the People Demanded Peace, Freedom and Concord

Although the revolution and freedom fight was crushed, 15 March is not a day of mourning, but of delayed victory. While the defeat of the Revolution and Freedom Fight was followed by ruthless retaliation and even more oppression, eventually the Habsburg Empire was forced to reform and bow to many of the demands of the revolutionaries.

The Historic Date of 12 March: Hungary Joined NATO 24 Years Ago

The Orbán administration has committed to spending at least two per cent of the country’s GDP on defence by the end of 2024, a commitment made in 2014 by all NATO members but something many NATO countries have not yet honoured. Hungary, in fact, is set to achieve the two per cent threshold by the end of this year, before the deadline.

Escaping the Middle-Income Trap: Hungary’s Way Forward According to Balázs Orbán

What is also crucial to the strategy proposed by Balázs Orbán is the preservation of interconnectivity within the West. Strengthening the cornerstones of Western civilisation, rooted in Judeo-Christian values, is paramount, the political director underscores in his piece, adding that sovereignty, religion, and family must be defended from destructive attempts to ‘undermine our shared values and identity.’

The Legend of Saint Ladislaus: From Oradea to Moscow

Keeping the memory of St Ladislaus alive is a common cause. As the organisers of the erection of the equestrian statue of the Holy King said in response to critical comments: ‘The legacy of St Ladislaus is above all the courageous admission of the Christian faith, which is a universal value and part of our European identity.’