Hungarian Conservative

How Can Central Europe Prevent Another World War?

‘Central Europe is a natural corridor between the two superpowers, forming a buffer zone. In the last thirty years, it seemed that the leading politicians of the countries in this region clearly saw and understood what they could and could not do.’

The Seven Lean Years Are Here

Upon the advent of the new decade, it was expected that the 2020s would be challenging even without a major economic crisis or another high-impact, low-probability event after the COVID–19 pandemic.

Shifting Paradigms in Global Supply Chains

This article aims to outline the nature and role of global supply chains in economic globalization, and to highlight the underlying roots of and reasons for the new trend towards realignment.

The Way of Conservative Innovation

Ever since the Revolution in France split politics into left and right, the two polarities have been cast as those ‘in favour of change’ and those ‘against change’. The picture of conservative politics found in this discourse has typically favoured the left, which portrays conservatism as an undynamic preservation of the existing order.