Hungarian Conservative

Facts Can Be an Antidote to Accusations of Anti-Semitism

Accusations of anti-Semitism against the Hungarian prime minister are easily disproved if we look at the facts. Ever since 2010, the Orbán government has implemented pro-Jewish policies and has supported Israel at all international fora.

How Did the Great P. Howard Truly Die?

To this day, neither the exact date nor the manner of the death of famous Hungarian novelist Jenő Rejtő is known. ‘P. Howard’ disappeared in a labour camp on the Eastern Front in early 1943.

Caught in the Crossfire: Can Transcarpathia Recover?

As long as legal harassment, inter-ethnic conflicts, economic hardships and—on top of all that—war plague the Hungarians in Ukraine, their survival can only be assured by the heroic perseverance we have seen in them countless times before.

Medieval Hungary and the Islamic World

It may be surprising that Muslims could survive in a Christian kingdom for centuries, but their linguistic and religious separation was exactly why they did not threaten the predominantly Christian society.