Hungarian Conservative

Can Europe Quit Russian Gas — And How?

This year presented Europe with an unprecedented challenge regarding its energy security as a result of a substantial curtailment in Russian natural gas exports. As energy independence is literally impossible for the continent, Europe has to make a choice about where its exposures should lie.

King Charles III’s Christmas Message: An Incentive to End the War in Ukraine

Unfortunately, the light of the star that guided the wise men to the place where the Prince of Peace was born (Matthew 2, 1-12), which Charles spoke about, is being rejected by the warring parties. Like Herod who believed that Jesus was the newborn King and refused Him, they too are not displaying any intention to be ‘men of good will’. 

Kissinger Calls for Peace Talks Again — Will Kyiv Listen?

Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger advocated for a more realist approach to ending the war —and unnecessary human suffering—in Ukraine, by entering peace talks with Russia. Kyiv promptly dismissed his advice, and why not? Kissinger is only the single most experienced geostrategist and foreign policy expert alive today, what can he know about Ukraine?

A Crusade Against Hungary? — The Siege of Zadar 

Zadar was a Western Christian town with a rich history, and at that time it was once again under the authority of Emeric (Imre in Hungarian), King of Hungary (1196–1204), who himself had taken the crusader’s vow.

What’s Next, Russo-Ukrainian War?

According to Van Buren, it is ‘shameful’ that the Biden administration is not forcefully pushing for a diplomatic solution, but is content to bleed out the Russians, as it did in Afghanistan in the 1980s.