Hungarian Conservative

Beyond Good and Evil

We now stand at the cliff edge of the truth quarry, where mass media and technology have facilitated what Stalin always wanted: ‘engineers of human souls’.

The War Could Have Ended Months Ago — But the West Didn’t Want It To

When we think of the scale of suffering the war in Ukraine has been causing worldwide, it is hard to believe that Kyiv all but finalised a peace agreement with Moscow as early as April, less than two months into the war, only to be pressured by the West to drop it. Recent revelations strongly suggest that this might be the case.

What Would Benjamin Netanyahu’s Return Mean for Israel and for the World?

Although Israel is stronger than ever, the permanent existential threat the Jewish State has had to endure is still present. The stakes are particularly high, both for Israel and its allies in the wider world. Benjamin Netanyahu offers known solutions to current challenges, answers that proved to be right in the past thirteen years. This November might well be the month of the return of Israel’s longest serving prime minister.