Hungarian Conservative

Ukraine Narrowly Escapes Nuclear Catastrophe

Europe’s largest nuclear plant was temporarily cut off from the power grid on Thursday. Although the catastrophe was avoided this time, experts say a nuclear accident at the Zaporizhzhia plant could be as devastating as the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.

What Are the Chances for a Sino-American War?

The struggle between a rising China and a hegemonic United States poses the genuine risk of another world war; historical precedence tells us that such conflicts rarely end without bloodshed. An article by security expert and military historian Bálint Somkuti, published on Mandiner.

Marking Black Ribbon Day

23 August is dedicated to the Victims of All Totalitarian and Authoritarian Regimes. Observing this day is particularly important when our societies’ collective memory about past oppression is fading away.

PzH 2000: the Hungarian Army’s Newest Deadly Toy

The Hungarian Defence Forces have received the first of the famed German artillery units that are wreaking havoc on the Russian troops in Ukraine. State-of-the-art weaponry is essential to both warfare and deterrence.