Hungarian Conservative

Nelson Mandela: Hero or Villain?

Nelson Mandela is considered to be the hero of the struggle aganst apartheid, but the former South African president is not the flawless hero he is often portrayed as.

Cluster munition in Krasnohorivka (Donetsk Oblast), 26 March 2022.

The Threat of Arms Smuggling out of Ukraine

The West started pouring weapons into Ukraine in a bid to help the country fend off the Russians. This led to a substantial expansion of the illegal arms market, which endangers the whole region.


PHILOSOPHY The Knowledge Industry ‘It is rarely taken into account that forcing a general expansion of education also means levelling. And if something is extended

Marking the Bicentenary of Hungary’s National Poet, Sándor Petőfi

2022-2023 is dedicated to the bicentenary of Hungary’s greatest national poet, Sándor Petőfi. He is one of the internationally best-known Hungarian poets and the most influential representative of Hungarian Romanticism. He has given his life for his ultimate ideal – the liberty and independence of Hungary.

We Stand with Ukraine, but We Stand with Hungary First

According to Mr. Sakiewicz, Ukraine is now fighting for ‘an ideal that has always connected Poles and Hungarians’, which is ‘the right to preserve its own identity.’ Well said – Hungary has indeed always fought and will always fight to preserve its own identity. We stand with Ukraine, but we stand with Hungary first.