Hungarian Conservative


‘Most Faithful unto Death’

As colonel commandant, Kováts’s main mission was to train a cavalry in the tradition of Hungarian hussar tactics. Within months, the legion had become the best-trained and most reputable cavalry unit fighting in the Continental Army.

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Hungarian Force Development Programme: Still on Time?

Hungary’s defence capability has grown significantly, which is essential not only for self-defence and deterrence purposes but also for the country to remain an influential contributor to regional, European and transatlantic security efforts in trying times.


The Putin-Macron-Zelensky Triangle

While most of the time Emmanuel Macron appears to be completely in line with the common position represented by the NATO allies and the European Union member states, there are occasions when he dissents.

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Proposal for a Better EU

The EU is seemingly ill-equipped to deal with the potential crises, so in order to protect the citizens of Hungary and other member states, fundamental changes are necessary. But what exactly is the Party Alliance’s vision for the EU?

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An Unprecedented Win for the Right

The rainbow coalition envisioned in the opposition party headquarters and progressive think tanks did not necessarily resonate with the wishes and expectations of the Hungarian voters.