Defeated. Requiem by Vasily Vereshchagin (1878–1879)

Is the War Closer to the End than We Think?

‘Disillusionment in the West with Ukraine’s performance and ability to win the war has been rising for over a year. While a lot was expected from last year’s Ukrainian counter offensive, it ended up recapturing less than half the land Russia took in 2023. This year’s balance is not much better. Albeit it is true that Ukraine made an extravagant capture of lands in Kursk, on its own sovereign lands it claimed few to no successes.’

‘Too Effective’ Flood Protection — The Reason Why Brussels Won’t Help Hungary

The European Commission is allocating approximately €10 billion in aid to flood-affected countries in Central and Eastern Europe, but Hungary is notably absent from the list. The reason is somewhat paradoxical: Hungary has been so effective in its protective measures that the resulting damage is expected to fall below the threshold required to qualify for the EU Solidarity Fund.

Peter Paul Rubens, Minerva Protects Pax from Mars (between 1629 and 1630). National Gallery, London, UK

Of War and Peace

This study focuses on questions related to the Russia–Ukraine War, one of the most dramatic events in contemporary European history. It seeks to examine the extent to which the citizens of Europe feel that the official positions of Brussels (the EU) and NATO, and the resultant decisions, are their own.

The Mamluks of Egypt defeated the Armenians, 1266: Illumination from Le Livre des Merveilles, 15th century.

Pax Mongolica — The Freedom of Christian Conversion

Mongol rule brought not only immense destruction and suffering to the peoples of the conquered territories but also peace, known in modern research as ‘pax Mongolica’. The period of the Mongol Empire (1206–1368) is unique in world history.

International Authors Gather at the PesText Literary Festival in Budapest

This autumn marks the sixth edition of the PesText International Literary and Cultural Festival, where audiences can meet key figures of contemporary world literature. The festival’s primary aim is to provide opportunities for foreign language authors and readers to meet, with special attention given to the literature of neighbouring countries, Eastern and Central Europe, and the Visegrád Four.

Future of Schengen Is at Clear Risk Due to Illegal Migration

This week, Germany, the European Union’s largest economy and one of the founding members of the Schengen area, decided to reintroduce border controls along its entire land border in response to growing pressure caused by illegal migration. Increasingly, more member states are following suit for similar reasons, raising the risk that internal border controls will become standard practice, ultimately threatening the existence of one of the EU’s greatest achievements: the Schengen area.