The Huszár government in 1919. István Haller is first from left in the first row.

Christian and Antisemitic? — István Haller’s Christian Politics

István Haller was a prominent Hungarian Christian politician in the first half of the 20th century. His book summing up his views on Christian politics is apparently paradoxical—it is both Christian-inspired and antisemitic. This combination illustrates the troubling tension that burdened the Christian national politics of the Horthy era in Hungary.

Celebrating Reformation Day — The Calvinian Traits on the Face of the Hungarian Nation

Protestants played an irreplaceable role in the formation of Hungarian literary language, as well as in the renewal of the language. It is no coincidence that Ferenc Kölcsey, who wrote the Hungarian National Anthem in 1823, was a student at the Reformed College in Debrecen for many years, just as it is no accident that it was in the same Debrecen, known as the Calvinist Rome, that the Hungarian National Assembly—headed by Lajos Kossuth, who hailed from a Lutheran small noble family—proclaimed the dethronement of the House of Habsburg on 14 April 1849.

A Conversation with Zsolt Molnár, Director of Bocskai Radio in Cleveland, Ohio

An in-depth interview with Zsolt Molnár, who emigrated from Transylvania, Romania to the United States, where he ran a successful business until a tragic accident happened. He fell from a roof and broke his spine, after which he had to find a new occupation: he ended up taking over the Bocskai Radio in Cleveland, Ohio, which he turned into a radio station for the local Hungarian community.

Borderless Homeland — A Conversation with Györgyi Bőjtös

‘The diaspora mentality finds the meaning of Hungarian identity in the traditional folk values ​​and advocates these throughout the world. It doesn’t isolate itself either from the world or from present-day Hungary but nurtures contacts with both; builds and maintains relationships everywhere. The idea of ​​a “borderless homeland” means “Wherever there is a Hungarian, there is Hungary.”’

Hans Multscher, Christ before Pilate (Wurzach altarpiece) (1437). Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Germany

Fifty Shades of Conservatism

‘Coming up with an authoritative definition of conservatism is not an end in itself so much as a sort of ritualistic pursuit, which we perform expecting some change from it along the lines of a deeper understanding of our past, our present, and the mysteries of the human species and the world. There are any number of ways in which the history of conservative thought could be written, if only as a story of the attempts at grasping the very notion of conservatism.’

An Interview with Rev. Zoltán Vass, Minister of the Reformed Church in Toronto

An in-depth interview with Zoltán Vass, son of a Transylvanian minister, who emigrated from Transylvania, Romania to America, initially to New York, then Hollywood, ultimately settling in Toronto 29 years ago as the minister of the First Hungarian Reformed Church. He also serves on the Board of the Hungarian Diaspora Council.

Migrant Camp at Serbia–Hungary Border Cleared, Euronews Reports

According to on-site reporting by, the abandoned farm house that used to be occupied by migrants near Horgos (Horgoš), Serbia, just 1.5 miles from the Hungarian border, has been completely cleared by local law enforcement. A local resident recalled that there had been an increase in crime in the area while the migrants were present.

A Conversation with Franciscan Friar Barnabás Kiss, Hungarian Pastor in Detroit

An in-depth interview with Franciscan Friar Barnabás G. Kiss, Pastor of the Hungarian Parish in Detroit, who has been serving in the U.S. for 40 years. While trying to keep various church communities alive in the Great Lakes region, he also strives to keep the Hungarian priests in the North American diaspora together and advocate their cause.