Israel's midfielder Gavriel Kanichowsky reacts after scoring a goal during the UEFA Euro 2024 group I qualification football match against Belarus at the Bloomfield stadium in Tel Aviv on 12 September 2023.

Israeli National Football Team to Play Remaining Home Games in Felcsút, Hungary

Israel had to postpone their last two European Championship qualifiers last month due to the Hamas attacks. Now, as Israel is not yet safe enough to host football games for their national team, they found their temporary home at the Pancho Arena in Felcsút, Hungary. This is not the first time Hungary provides a temporary home turf for a foreign football team.

Ákos L. Nagy, President of the American Hungarian Federation

‘Correcting misleading assertions about Hungarians and defending Hungarian minority rights are our priority’ — An Interview with Ákos L. Nagy, President of the American Hungarian Federation

The American Hungarian Federation has been working tirelessly to preserve Hungarian culture and education in the United States, and has been a powerful advocate for the collective rights of Hungarians living in minority status in the Carpathian Basin. AHF also considers it its mission to dispel misleading narratives about Hungary and Trianon, AHF President Ákos Nagy told Hungarian Conservative.

Budapesters look on as Soviet troops temporarily pull out of Budapest on 31 October 1956.

Football and Fifty-Six: Identity and Restoration

‘The speed and eagerness with which Hungarian clubs sought to return to their old identities, with all the loyalties and connections they represented, demonstrated the power of these emotional and social meanings. And it was just as clearly a mark of the utter failure of the Party to co-opt and utilise the power of football for its own purposes. The Party abandoned the micro-management of football, paralleling its wider realisation after 1956 that, while its authority was still non- negotiable, it could and would not protect and justify it through the politicisation of society or the ideological mobilisation of the people.’

Martin Luther hammers his 95 theses to the door by Ferdinand Pauwels (1872).

Reformation Day — The Message of ‘Semper Reformanda’

Protestantism has been inextricably intertwined with Hungarian national consciousness and thirst for freedom. The Hungarian Protestant Bible translators made the Scripture accessible to Hungarians in their mother tongue, and also contributed to the development and preservation of the language. Practising Protestantism was also in defiance of the Catholic Habsburgs and Austria: Protestants were willing to suffer martyrdom rather than renounce their faith, as the fate of the Hungarian Protestant galley slaves demonstrates.

Lot and His Daughters by Jan Brueghel the Elder.

Would Jesus Go to a Pride Parade?

‘Christians no longer live by their own standards but by Christ’s, and since Jesus did not abolish the Law, the divine standards of morality, and therefore of sexuality, do not change with time or the spirit of the age.’