Magyarabs, the Descendants of Hungarians in Africa

The mysterious Magyarabs, whose denomination conveniently looks as if it consisted of the words Magyar and Arab (although the exact etymology is different: the word ab means tribe in Nubian), would have probably remained unknown to the world had some adventurous Hungarians not discovered their distant kin. László Almásy, one of the key figures and pioneers of Hungarian Africa research, was the first to report on the existence of Magyarabs after he encountered them during his expedition in Africa in the 1930s.

Israel’s 75th Anniversary in New York Celebrated Amidst Record High Levels of Anti-Semitism in the US

According to a recent ADL survey, anti-Semitic incidents surged to historic levels in 2022 in the United States, with a total of 3,697 hate-related incidents reported across the country, which is a 36 per cent increase from 2021 and the highest level ever recorded in the group’s history since it began keeping records in 1979. Amidst a record high level of anti-Semitism, at this year’s Celebration of Israel Parade in New York City the importance of showing unity and support for Israel was highlighted.

A man places a rose in front of Kunsthalle Budapest (Műcsarnok), commemorating the reburial of the late Prime Minister Imre Nagy and his fellow martyrs.

Imre Nagy, a Controversial Figure of Modern Hungarian History

Nagy was a highly controversial figure in Hungarian history, whose assessment is still a source of intense debates…He did stand up for the Hungarian Revolution in 1956—for debatable reasons—; but to portray him as a convinced democrat, or a hero of Hungarian popular representation and individual freedom would be a serious distortion. His legacy must be treated in its proper place: his merits must not be denied, but his sins must not be forgotten.

Pepsi Production Returns to Hungary Next Year

The organisation is doing everything to bring Pepsi back home. Balogh stated that the newly inaugurated Szentkirályi PET bottling line is capable of creating Pepsi products, but further investments are needed, such as establishing a water purification base and a syrup kitchen.

Jászság, the Land of the Descendants of Iranian Nomads

As opposed to the simplistic xenophobia narrative, Hungary is a multifaceted country with diverse regions and identities, each of which contributes with its uniqueness to the country’s rich cultural landscape. One of the regions that is a living proof of that is Jászság.

King Charles’ First Private Overseas Visit in Szeklerland

The newly crowned British monarch arrived in Transylvania, Romania, a few days ago. King Charles III is a frequent guest in the Eastern European country, as he is especially attracted to Szeklerland of Eastern Transylvania, mostly inhabited by Hungarians, where he owns several estates.