Jerzy Kwaśniewski, President of the Board and co-founder of Ordo Iuris Institute, Chairman of the Ordo Iuris Foundation Council.

‘Our Region Has to Influence the EU and Find a Way to Counterbalance Brussels’ — Jerzy Kwaśniewski to Hungarian Conservative

‘Although the outcome is yet unknown, I think that any kind of ascent should start with the (re)construction of the infrastructure to connect the partners. After the completion of this task, we should think about declaring, promoting and following the basic values and principles shared by the Central European countries and nations. These principles will allow us to find a common language, free from the ‘progressive’ ideologies that characterise the West now.’

4 June, a Bittersweet Celebration

May this day also be the day when, contrary to the will of so many, we turn to our still-existing and beautiful country, which is prosperous to an extent never seen in history before, and consider, each and every one of us, how we can help it make no more mistakes.

Clashes in Kosovo: Another War Unfolding in the EU’s Neighbourhood?

‘Despite their injuries, the Hungarian soldiers have shown brave commitment, and many of those who were able to do so have already returned to their posts,’ the Hungarian defence minister said after the clashes between KFOR troops and local Serbs in North Kosovo. The minister stressed that the stability of the Western Balkans is very important to Hungary, which is why it is present in the region not only diplomatically and economically, but also militarily in the framework of the KFOR mission.

Solutions to Europe’s Challenges Can Only Be Found Collectively — MEPs Discuss Schengen and Central Europe at Roundtable in Budapest

György Hölvényi underscored the importance of exercising caution with the concept of Schengen and open borders. It represents an economic and political opportunity that can be mishandled, potentially signalling Europe’s disintegration if not properly managed. Ensuring proper protection of external borders is essential to avoid issues emerging with internal borders, he warned.

A Calvinist Reformer of Education — The Legacy of Transylvanian Count Sámuel Teleki

According to poet and politician József Bajza, the Teleki House was a true bastion of the Hungarian language, which was in danger of erosion at the time. For his political activities, his role in improving public education, and his efforts in advancing Hungarian culture, Sámuel Teleki should be regarded as one of the greatest Hungarian figures in 18th–19th century Transylvania.

‘Strategically Speaking, Hungary is in an island condition’—Edward N. Luttwak on Plebiscites, Secondary Education, and Threat-Based National Defence

‘Historically, wars are coups d’états in the interior of the political process. It’s usually invisible to outsiders and it usually doesn’t respond to outside activity. The war in Ukraine started with people who are non-historians reading the history of Russia, the way a non-historian is looking for something relevant today. So, whenever they think that they have some historical information, it’s always misinformation because it gets taken out of context.’

Pentecost Sunday and Its Message for Today

In his homily on Pentecost Sunday in 2009, Pope Benedict XVI said that ‘Pentecost is distinguished from all the Solemnities by its importance since what Jesus Himself had announced as the purpose of the whole of his mission on earth is brought about in it. Indeed, on his way up to Jerusalem he had declared to his disciples: ‘I came to cast fire upon the earth; and would that it were already kindled!’ (Luke 12, 49)

The Title Was Stolen From DAC 1904, Team Owner Oszkár Világi Claims

FC DAC 1904 Dunajská Streda, supported by ethnic Hungarians in Slovakia, finished second in the league behind Slovan Bratislava. The two top finishers’ game late into the championship featured a highly controversial call by the referee, which, owner Oszkár Világi claims, was a way of stealing the title from his team. Meanwhile, Sepsi OSK won the domestic cup in Romania.