Eugène Siberdt, The Prophet Nathan Rebukes King David (between1866 and 1931). Mayfair Gallery, London, UK

The Future of Christianity in Politics

‘Christianity from its beginnings has presented something new with regard to political life: a certain indifference, if I may put it that way, to the political regime. That is, it enjoins rendering unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s, and hence obeying one’s rulers so long as they do not demand sin, especially idolatry. These injunctions are founded on the faith that the City of God rather than the City of Man is man’s ultimate destiny.’

Major General László Sticz, Commander of EUFOR Althea, the European Union peacekeeping mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Central European Defence Cooperation (CEDC) meeting in Budapest on 25 April 2024

Hungarian Commander Reflects on a Challenging Year of Leadership in EUFOR Althea

Along with the Hungarian commander, a Hungarian peacekeeping contingent was deployed in Bosnia and Herzegovina with about 400 soldiers. The HDF provided an air search and rescue team, an air evacuation team, an artillery team with dog patrols, medical support (ROLE-1 level), as well as logistical support and supplies with 250 personnel.

Hungary Leads Europe in Solar Energy Production

Hungary has overtaken Greece to become Europe’s leader in solar energy production, with solar systems accounting for 25 per cent of the country’s electricity production in 2024. This remarkable achievement highlights Hungary’s rapid growth in renewable energy capacity.

Orbán, Fico Agree to Never Let Ukraine Join NATO

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and his Slovak counterpart Robert Fico met in in Bratislava on Tuesday to discuss energy security issues. The two leaders also pledged to steadfastly oppose Ukraine’s NATO membership.

Hungarian Passenger Performs Death-Defying Stunt on German Train

A 40-year-old man from Hungary was arrested in Germany for travelling 30 kilometres on a high-speed train while hanging onto the cables that connect the railroad cars without a ticket. The suspect hopped off the train for a cigarette, and could only get on the plates between the carriages as it was leaving.

Detail of the secco painted by Vilmos Aba-Novák, decorating the mausoleum of Stephen I

Székesfehérvár: To This Day, the Sacred City of the Hungarian Kings

‘After the expulsion of the Turks, Fehérvár could not regain its medieval importance…It was the festive year of St Stephen in 1938 that restored the town to its status as the number one St Stephen’s memorial site. The newly completed ruin garden, the dedication of the royal tomb and, last but not least, the extraordinary session of the Parliament here which legislated the national holiday of 20 August made it a unique year in the life of the city.’