‘I got so much from this country: a career, a family, a new life’ — A Conversation with Adam LeBor

‘I picked a character—for example, Klára Andrássy or my late father-in-law, Róbert Ligeti—and just wrote out their story. Then, I had the key dates. Then, I wrote out the next one. And then I did it date by date: what was happening in spring 1941? What happened in 1942? Therefore, some chapters cover a shorter time—in 1942 and 1943—and the main story is about diplomacy in trying to change sides. But in 1944, after the Germans invaded, there were many, many stories going on and many characters,’ Adam LeBor told Hungarian Conservative.

Orbán Claims Patriots Are the New Mainstream at PfE MEGA Summit

‘Yesterday, we were the heretics. Today, we are the mainstream. Once, we were dismissed as the past; today, we are the future,’ Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán declared in his speech at the Patriots for Europe (PfE) EP group’s summit in Madrid. Over the weekend the most prominent figures of the European right gathered in the Spanish capital under the banner ‘Make Europe Great Again’ (MEGA) to deliver a clear message to the Western mainstream: they are more than ready to take over Brussels.

Dong Yuan, Xiao and Xiang Rivers (10th century). Palace Museum, Beijing, China

China, the West, and the Global Culture War

‘Debates connected to the culture war, including even on such amorphous issues as the West’s slide into spiritual nihilism or the loss of its inner will, are directly relevant to international politics and even international security. Western strategic thinkers must take these issues into account just as analysts in Beijing or Moscow do. To do otherwise would be a potentially dangerous mistake.’

Reconstruction of Trajan’s Bridge across the Lower Danube by engineer E. Duperrex in 1907

In the Wake of Roman Emperor Trajan — Relics Along the Lower Danube

‘One of the lasting memories of Trajan’s campaign in Dacia is the bridge he built across the Danube to facilitate the march of his armies. The first permanent stone bridge on the Danube was built between Turnu Severin in Romania and Kladovo in Serbia, which was 1127 metres long and designed by the greatest architect of the time, Apollodorus of Damascus origin.’

All the photos in this article are the courtesy of Melinda Novoszáth.

No Men in Women’s Sports — A Day of Celebration for Female Athletes

‘For me, this isn’t about politics. It’s about the young girl who gets up at 5 in the morning for training, hoping that one day her hard work will be enough…This executive order is a step toward ensuring that female athletes—past, present, and future—don’t have to question whether their chances are truly equal.’

The Time Has Come for MEGA to Rise

‘Across the Atlantic, MAGA eagerly awaits the rise of MEGA, seeing in the European right a responsible and reasonable partner—unlike those who have cooperated with and been funded by the globalist elite. There will likely never be a better moment for MEGA to emerge.’

Orbán: ‘We must sweep the Soros network out of Hungary’

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán predicts a strong and prosperous year, promising new opportunities for families and pensioners. Speaking on public radio, he discussed economic support measures, the significance of sovereignty, and his government’s stance on migration and international political influences.