Portrait of Thomas Cranmer by Gerlach Flicke (detail, 1545)

The Anglosphere and Central Europe: A Personal View

‘The failed revolutionary upheavals in 1848 would see thousands of Central Europeans go into exile in Britain. One of the most famous of these was Hungarian national hero Lajos Kossuth, who travelled extensively in the United States before moving to London, to live there for most of the 1850s. In America, Kossuth was received at the White House twice by President Millard Fillmore, and was generally feted and celebrated everywhere he went.’

Massacre of the Innocents

The Martyrs of Christmas: Witnesses to Faith and Love in the Light of the Season

‘The memory of the martyrs of Christmas invites us to recognize that the season is not only about joy and blessings but also about sacrifice and steadfastness. These saints and unnamed heroes, who gave their lives for Christ, teach us that true love is never easy. Yet, through sacrifice, we partake in the light that Christ’s birth brought into the world.’


Marzipan — A Christmas Confection and Its History in Hungary

Much like in many European countries, marzipan enjoys a great popularity in Hungary, too. Marzipan first attained admiration in the Hungarian Kingdom under the rule of the Renaissance king, Matthias Corvinus. According to historic records, a chessboard from brown and white marzipan was the eighth course on King Matthias’ wedding with Beatrice of Naples in 1477.

Christmas in 1776: George Washington’s Heroic Crossing of the Delaware

With the Continental Army in dire straits, Commander in Chief George Washington knew he had to do something special to change the tide of the War of Independence at the end of 1776. So, he decided to strike the enemy when they least expected it: he crossed the icy Delaware River to get to the Hessian mercenaries stationed in Trenton on Christmas Day.

William Blake, The Temptation and Fall of Eve, 1808 (illustration of Milton's Paradise Lost).

A Christmas Reflection in the Eyes of John Milton

‘Lucifer certainly did not want to be God, for he was intelligent enough to know that he was not of the same substance of our Creator, but he wanted to be or rule like God. Envious of God, he thus submitted to his pride and rebelled against the Almighty—a temptation that at times can be appealing during our worst moments.’

Krasznai family

‘Our churches are the bastions of faith and Hungarian identity’ — A Conversation with Csaba and Beáta Krasznai

An in-depth interview with Rt. Rev. Dr. Csaba Krasznai, Hungarian Reformed Bishop of the Calvin Synod Conference of the United Church of Christ and Honorary Consul of Hungary; and his wife, Beáta Krasznai, a teacher, psychologist, principal of the church’s Sunday school and the Nebuló Hungarian Language School, who have been living and serving in Cleveland for more than 20 years.