Druze women walk near the fence leading into the UN-patrolled buffer zone, which separates Israeli and Syrian forces on the Golan Heights, near the Druze village of Majdal Shams on 15 December 2024.

Druze Leaders in Syria Request Their Settlements Be Annexed to Israel

The Druze, a group historically loyal to the Assad regime in Syria, are facing growing threats due to the collapse of the central government and the deteriorating security situation. The Druze religious leadership in Israel is also very concerned about the fate of the Druze across the border, because jihadists in many Druze communities, mainly in Damascus and northern Syria, have already started demanding that the Druze hand over their weapons.

A young man stands on a rooftop in Bucharest during the December Revolution of 1989 with a Romanian flag from which the Communist coat of arms was removed.

The Romanian Revolution 35 Years On: A Healing Central Europe

‘The Romanian Revolution teaches several lessons. First, an age-old truth: Freedom isn’t free. There is a lot of talk about how it was the cooperation of superpowers that made Central European democratization possible. But Romania is the main example that it would not have been enough that Gorbachev caved in to Reagan and Bush Sr. If the Romanian people had remained silent, there would have been no pressure of a critical magnitude to remove the dictator.’

in God we trust

Combining God and State: Ten Principles to Enable Nations to Prosper

‘A simple example of restraining evil, which works quite well, are the referees who manage athletic contests. They simply enforce the rules so that order is maintained. They do not help either team win, they do not help the injured, they are not partial, and they do not furnish refreshments. Even so, they are critical to the players, the fans, the coaches, the media, and everyone involved.’

Judit teaching

‘It turns out there are Hungarians everywhere’ — An Interview with Founder of the Online Hungarian School Dr. Judit Tamás

An in-depth interview with Dr. Judit Tamás, who arrived in America thirty years ago as a kindergarten teacher, and after moving to North Carolina, founded the Carolinas Hungarian Group, organized camps for Hungarians for twenty years, and later launched the popular Online Hungarian School, which she has been running for fifteen years. Nowadays they have 250–300 students from 50 countries.

Mattheus Terwesten, Allegory of Freedom (1701). Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Triumph, Decline — and Renewal?

‘Freedom, understood concretely, is a civilizational, not a natural, construct. This essentially conservative argument could provide the very basis for the continuation of a certain political tradition without which we, modern souls, would live in a much more cruel and inhumane world.’

Antifa-Attacker-Turned-MEP Ilaria Salis Schemes to Dodge Trial in Hungary

‘In the world of Salis and her associates, you can go to Hungary, and commit any crime you want, if you later pretend to be an anti-fascist in order to ask for immunity,’ Italian newspaper Il Giornale writes in a recent piece. Ilaria Salis and her comrades attacked and seriously injured innocent people in Budapest in 2023, yet they have not been held accountable for their crimes.