Bread of Hungarians Programme Reaches Thousands of Hungarians in the Carpathian Basin and Beyond

The charity event was organized by the Bread of Hungarians Foundation, the National Chamber of Agriculture, and the Hungarian Association of Farmers’ Circles and Agricultural Cooperatives, reaching 19 counties and 15 organizations beyond the borders, with nearly 500 organizations receiving flour donations. Representatives of the beneficiaries also received certificates of support and symbolic sacks of the Bread of the Hungarians flour.

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission

Fidesz MEPs: Another EP Debate About Hungary Based on False Accusations in the Works

In the statement, the MEPs said that the four left-wing groupings of the EP held a joint press conference on Monday at which Germany’s Green MEP Daniel Freund and Hungary’s left-wing MEP Katalin Cseh ‘repeated their usual false accusations and lies’ which, according to the Fidesz MEPs, had been repeated by ‘the Hungarian dollar Left led by Ferenc Gyurcsány in the recent period’.

Von Der Leyen Visits Island of Lampedusa Hit By Migrant Crisis

The European Commission President was invited by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni of Italy to assess the dire situation on the island, brought on by the thousands of migrants coming just in the last few days. The Italian government decided to enact strict new measures to curb illegal immigration.

Prof Jesse Merriam

‘In the EU and the USA, Those In Power Tend to Invoke the Rule of Law as a Weapon’ — An Interview with Prof. Jesse Merriam

‘One of the most dangerous trends we are seeing in the West is the increasing deployment of the rule of law for instrumental political ends.  We are seeing this in the European Union, just as we are seeing it used in the United States, with those in power invoking the rule of law as a weapon against political dissidents and adversaries.  This should alarm all of us, no matter where we are personally situated on the political spectrum. ‘

Hungarian State Opera House Boasts Over Fifty Thousand Summer Visitors

The high attendance rates of the plays and the frequent standing ovations confirmed the State Opera House’s expectations that it is worthwhile to stage popular pieces from the operatic literature in classic performances with an air-conditioned auditorium in the summer. The July–August performances of the the first full summer season of the Opera were favoured by both tourists and locals from the capital city and the countryside.

Athletics World Championships: 300 Thousand Tickets Sold

In terms of spectators, the championship will be the largest sports event in Hungary of all time. Also, in the history of world championships in the sport, never before have so many athletes participated in a single event as they will now.

Hungarian Satellite Launched into Orbit from the USA

The development team at BME currently holds the record for the most successful PocketQube category satellite missions worldwide. BME has been involved in space research and space technology-related activities for decades, and the launch of MRC-100 into space represents another significant milestone in their endeavours.