Hungarian Conservative

Tag: Artificial intelligence

Starting September 2024, Budapest Metropolitan University will offer a specialized programme focusing on the main areas of AI applications in business and finance. The course has been designed not only
Semmelweis University is Hungary’s best and most popular medical and health science higher education institution, ranked among the world’s top 300. One-third of the 16,000 students are foreign nationals from
‘The character of the educator is a fundamental determinant of the personal development of students, and in addition to professional knowledge, it has therefore been important throughout the centuries to
According to a survey by the MCC Youth Research Institute, 53 per cent of Hungarians aged 15–29 have used ChatGPT or other similar AI tools in the past. A vast
Discussing philosophy in general and whether it should be incorporated in education is an everyday topic. In this interview, Cornell University professor Barry Strauss delves into the issue, explaining why
According to Martin Robinson, the essential question about the use of AI in general is whether it is humans who remain in charge of and part of the process, or
The question whether parents should be involved in what goes on in the school comes up frequently. In this interview Anthony O’Hear shares his opinion on the topic, while also
Political activism in schools, the introduction of politics into the curriculum and the regulation of AI in education are all important questions today. In this interview, Stuart Waiton offers insight
The new rules prohibit AI applications that could violate citizens’ rights. These include biometric categorization based on sensitive personal data or the creation of facial recognition databases using images downloaded
Deputy State Secretary Szabolcs Szolnoki emphasized that the aim of the government programmes is to ensure the accessibility of digital technologies to as many stakeholders as possible through the involvement