Hungary’s tourism sector experienced a record-breaking year in 2024, with increased visitor numbers and growing revenues driving economic expansion. National Economy Minister Márton Nagy highlighted tourism as a key driver of GDP, announcing new initiatives such as regulatory changes and…
HungaroControl reached a milestone in 2024, managing over 1.1 million flights in Hungarian airspace—a 6 per cent increase from the previous year. This record underscores Hungary’s growing importance in European aviation….
The new Budapest-based airline Hungary Airlines has acquired 100 aircraft from the American manufacturer Boeing and is reportedly planning to make its first cargo flight from Budapest, Hungary to Hong Kong, China this month. It is unclear for now whether…
The European Commission’s aviation safety agency EASA’s conference was hosted in Budapest, Hungary under the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The emphasis was placed on the essential impact of human factors in ensuring safe operations at…
Hungary and Romania’s Ministers of Economy inaugurated Aeroplex Central Europe’s aircraft maintenance base in Bucharest, marking a major step in bilateral aviation industry cooperation and the expansion of Aeroplex’s services across Eastern and Central Europe….
The tragedy occurred at the 28th annual Börgönd Aeroplane Day, claiming the lives of the 67-year-old pilot and his 37-year-old son also on board. A criminal investigation has been launched to find out what caused the incident….
One of the main highlights of the evening will be starting the 1900 horsepower engine of the 66-year-old Il-14 passenger aircraft. In addition, visitors will have multiple opportunities to witness up close the operation of a small-sized jet engine, and…
With their fearless undertaking on 15–16 July in 1931, György Endresz and Sándor Magyar forever etched their names into the annals of Hungarian and global aviation….
In the early 1920s, Fonó’s attention turned back to the unresolved problem of jet propulsion. By that time, it had become entirely evident that propeller-driven aircraft were unable to exceed a certain speed limit. In 1928, Fonó developed his invention…
After the completion of the investment, the Chinese–Hungarian joint venture, Jiangsu Magnus Aircraft Manufacturing, is expected to create a total of 300 jobs, with Hungarian employees playing a leading role….