‘Hungary’s unique historical background and geographic location make it a harbinger of fresh geopolitical guidelines, political standards and new norms. The country’s pragmatism in international relationships and capacity to preserve its strategic autonomy while still engaging with world bodies provide…
Protestants played an irreplaceable role in the formation of Hungarian literary language, as well as in the renewal of the language. It is no coincidence that Ferenc Kölcsey, who wrote the Hungarian National Anthem in 1823, was a student at…
The MCC Debate Academy offers a free training programme for those interested in enhancing their critical thinking skills and applying their newly acquired knowledge in various debate settings. Interested participants can apply for the one-year debate leadership training until 22…
Hungary is among the countries that can not only feed its own population but also provide food for an additional population equivalent to that of Hungary. With 20 August approaching, the celebration of wheat and bread becomes a central theme…
Mathias Corvinus Collegium Director General Zoltán Szalai highlighted at the opening ceremony that MCC training is not merely based on textbook knowledge but starts where public and higher education end. ‘This training is for those who want a bit more,…
‘Although the Pechenegs have no visible identity, they are part of the Hungarian nation to this day: their medieval history may have ended, but they have played an important role in Hungarian ethnogenesis. Great clans of Pecheneg origins, like the…
The great confederation of the Cumans was one of the steppe tribal confederations of Turkic origin, which successfully represented and spread the once mighty ‘steppe civilization’ to a significant part of Eastern Europe. Although the Cuman state was unfortunately destroyed…
Four Transylvanian friends dared to dream big and founded a sparkling winery in a small village in northern Transylvania a decade ago. This year, their Blanc de Blancs sparkling wine was recognized with a world championship title at the Champagne…
Around 3100 BC, the Yamnaya people began to move westwards, migrating from their homeland in modern-day southern Ukraine and Russia. As they reached the Carpathian Basin and the Danube valley, they began transforming the landscape of their newly acquired home,…
Minister of Construction and Transport János Lázár announced near Nyírmeggyes in Szabolcs–Szatmár–Bereg County that the construction of the first, 28-kilometre-long segment of the expressway being built in two phases between the M3 motorway and the Hungarian–Romanian border has begun, with…
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