‘Today the Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of the Annunciation…34 years ago, on this day, was the death of a Catholic churchman who not only helped build Christendom in the then French-speaking part of Africa, but who was also an…
‘As Francis’s tenure nears its close, we stand at a crossroads—what lies ahead? I pray for his renewed health, while recognizing the time has come—for Catholics, Christians of other traditions, non-believers, indeed all who cherish our shared Western civilization—to ponder…
Lent, the forty-day period of preparation for Easter, begins on Wednesday, marking a time of repentance, reflection and self-denial as Christians ready themselves to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus through prayer, reconciliation and sacrifice….
An extraordinary life blessed with unshakeable faith, dedicated to selflessly serving the community: meet Dr. István Horváth, a pillar of the New Brunswick Hungarian American community, and his family….
One of the most brilliant personalities of the 10–11th centuries fell victim to politics, only to discredit Gregory VII and the church reform. To do this, the lifework of Gerbert/Sylvester had to be ignored, and his unparalleled scientific achievements mocked…
Viktor Orbán has met with His Holiness the Pope for the fourth time, once every year since their initial meeting in 2021. The Prime Minister stated that this meeting in Vatican City was part of his ‘peace mission,’ and news…
‘For István Käfer, one of the elements that has historically united both Slovakia and Hungary is, surprisingly, the language. Bálint Balassi, for instance, a crucial figure in Hungarian renaissance poetry, wrote his works in Hungarian, but he knew Slovak very…
‘For Hungary, Clement’s tenure offered little tangible support during one of its darkest eras, while his broader legacy includes the catastrophic Sack of Rome, the expansion of Protestantism, and the Anglican schism. Today, he is remembered not as a leader…
‘Aside from a rare or every-now-and-then post, hardly anyone in the mainstream media—this goes for our politicians too—speaks to us about the Christian genocide in Nigeria at the hands of Islamic fundamentalists. While Western politicians and certain of our own…
Father Imre serves a congregation that has many elderly Hungarian parishioners who look to him not only for their spiritual but also logistical needs. He also helps the local Hungarian institutions by baking and cooking meals as well as with…
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