One of the key pillars of the state-funded John von Neumann programme is the development of science parks. The newly inaugurated pilot research laboratory at the University of Debrecen, where pharmaceutical development and small-scale production activities will be conducted in…
About 5 per cent of the Hungarian GDP is generated by the auto industry, therefore, initially, the EU’s decision to ban the sale of all new combustion-engine cars in 2035 was met with resistance in Hungary. Due to the ban,…
‘Green energy production, storage, utilization, and recycling: this is how the green economy is built, of which Hungary is a leader in the world, not a follower’, Government Commissioner László György stated in Debrecen, encouraging citizens to fill in the…
Suspects in Debrecen, Hungary are being investigated for allegedly counterfeiting work permits for foreign workers, the Ministry for National Economy announced in a public statement….
Over the course of three days, attendees can expect 36 programmes across seven locations, offering cinema experiences, Slam Poetry nights, and enchantment-themed tastings inspired by the Harry Potter universe….
The cute feline was born on 21 November to her parents Coolio and Jilin. North-Chinese leopards, also known as amur leopards, are the rarest big cats in the world, with only around 100 living in the wild right now….
The MCC University Programme is unique in Europe, offering small-group, personalized training covering multiple disciplines, complementing traditional higher education in Hungary. Many young people participating in the programme enrol in MCC training already in primary school, becoming part of a…
Norbert Baráth, the CEO of Speedwolf Sports Organization, emphasized in a press conference that such a prestigious Speedway event has not been held in Hungary since the sport’s inception….
Mayor László Papp reminded that, in line with the new environmental policies launched in 2019, economic development in Debrecen must take place in a sustainable and environmentally conscious manner….
The researchers affiliated with the applied chemistry department of the University of Debrecen have been engaged in a prolonged exploration of the usability of renewable energy and its storage possibilities….
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