Hungarian Conservative

Tag: Democratic Party

‘It’s just unarguably the case that whatever it is they accuse someone like Viktor Orbán of doing, the progressive left in America, it is quite clear that these conditions apply
President Trump won 14 out of the 15 states up for grabs on Super Tuesday, with Nikki Haley taking Vermont. Meanwhile, President Biden is falling short in more than one
All nine justices agreed that the 14th Amendment does not give states the power to bar someone from running for federal office, only Congress has that power. Therefore, states cannot
President Trump has won six out of six primary contests so far, the latest one in the key swing state of Michigan. The turnout level on the two sides, along
Members of the American Political Science Association came up with a peculiar ranking, trivializing catastrophic events in American history that led to the suffering of many in the process, such
Secretary Mayorkas was impeached for neglecting his responsibility to protect the borders of the United States. He is only the second US Department Secretary to be indicted by the lower
While Robert K. Hur’s special counsel did not recommend criminal charges against President Biden, it did raise additional concerns about his mental acuity. Also, given that former President Trump was
Bryan E. Leib, Márton Ugrósdy, and Magor Ernyei were the distinguished panellists in a discussion at the Center for Fundamental Rights on how this year’s US presidential election is shaping
Donald Trump is currently leading Joe Biden in the RealClearPolitics polling aggregate by a wider margin than what Republicans ever held against Democrats leading up to the 2022 midterms, 4.3
When arguing against stricter immigration laws, some on the left like to appeal to the significance of migration in American history. However, the truth is that there has never been