Hungarian Conservative

Tag: digitalization

Speaking in Szolnok, State Secretary for Education Zoltán Maruzsa noted that notebooks are distributed at more than 3,000 distribution points not only in state institutions but also in church, minority,
In the first two phases of the nationwide laptop programme launched in 2022, 260,000 portable computers were provided free of charge to upper-grade students, teachers, and educational institutions. From this
The press release indicates that the television audience has aged more rapidly over the past two and a half decades than the general Hungarian population. In 2022, those sitting in
The Hungarian 4iG Group and German Rheinmetall will contribute to the digitalization of the defence forces by developing digital soldier, simulation and training systems in Hungary and in certain NATO
Alongside the distribution of laptops that started last year, more than 4,000 locations have been equipped with wireless internet access, and with a budget of 10 billion forints, the electrical
In his presentation titled ‘Digitalization in Service of Sustainable Development,’ Áder pointed out that the National Digitalization Strategy set the goal for the widespread adoption of technologies and the expansion
The goal of digital public administration is to transition citizens to online management of public affairs, promising speed, ease of use, and data security. A prerequisite for this is the
On the margins of the Hungarian PM’s visit to Huawei’s headquarters in Shenzhen, Minister of Economic Development Márton Nagy and Gao Weijie, the CEO of Huawei Technologies Hungary and the
‘During his presentation at the media authority’s conference on the regulatory challenges of child protection, Levente Nyakas highlighted the importance of shared interpretations of media content and the world in
From the inception of post-Soviet Hungary, East Asian relations have been oriented towards trade as well as knowledge and information exchange. With the opening up of the Hungarian economy, foreign