The Justice Minister announced on social media that the government will submit further, child protection-related legislative proposals to the National Assembly in the autumn. ’Hungary will have the strictest child protection regulations in Europe because there is no compromise in…
During a visit to the United States Balázs Orbán appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show, spoke at a Heritage Foundation conference and gave an interview to the Washington Times….
The Hungarians in the crowd did not allow the protesters to ruin the unveiling, instead they started to loudly sing a Hungarian folk song and the national anthem of Hungary, thus, drowning out the voice of the few protesters….
‘We are waiting for Swedish government officials to reassure members of the Hungarian parliament; our goal is to support Sweden’s NATO accession with the largest possible parliamentary majority, similarly to Finland’s,’ the political director of the prime minister said….
Hungary managed to stay above the EU average with a fertility rate of 1.61 in 2021. This is also a sizable increase compared to the 1.23 figure the country reported in 2011….
As part of the new cooperation agreement between the two institutions, each year four researchers from the Heritage Foundation will visit Budapest and work with the Danube Institute as visiting researchers….
The Hungarian Prime Minister delivered his state of the nation speech on Saturday. His topics included the war, the future of the country, domestic and geopolitics and his commitment to developing the countryside….
‘For their political opponents conservative governments are most dangerous when they are successful,’ warns Balázs Orbán, Political Director to the Prime Minister of Hungary. Thus, he adds, the Netanyahu cabinet must be ready for constant attacks by the mainstream media….
Low birth-rates and decreasing populations are not new problems in Japan or in other East Asian countries, most remarkably in South Korea or China. But this year, the situation has started turning really tragic in Japan. In 2022, first time…
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