Hungarian Conservative

Tag: Hungary news

More than a hundred Hungarian films will be available on nineteen television channels, rarely seen Hungarian films will be screened in cinemas, and almost all streaming platforms available in Hungary
Speaking to public Kossuth radio at the World Cup held at Ludovika Campus, President of the Union Internationale de Pentathlon Moderne (UIPM) Klaus Schormann stated that there is a good
‘Viktor Orbán is the one standing up for the average European people, not their government,’ Republican Congressman Andy Harris pointed out in an interview with Hungarian Conservative on the sidelines
Boldizsár Nagy told M1 that the competitors were given a predetermined topic: the protection of civilians in an armed conflict and the role of youth in matters of peace and
All three distinguished speakers warned of the perils of mass illegal migration into Europe, and stressed nations’ right to self-determination as well on Day 1 of CPAC Hungary 2024.
Donald Trump emphasized that as President, he ‘proudly worked together’ with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to defend the values and interests of both the Hungarian and the American nation.
Headquartered in Austria, Gebrüder Weiss Holding is a global, full-service logistics company employing approximately 8,600 people and operating 180 facilities. Their new 10 billion HUF investment, a logistics complex equipped
Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky stressed Hungary’s interest in maintaining dialogue and preserving the CEE region’s historically influential role. He noted the necessity of Central Europe’s voice and opinion to be
At the conference organized by the Center for Fundamental Rights, the Prime Minister stated that the world order built on progressive–liberal hegemony has failed because it brought wars, chaos, unrest,
President Tamás Sulyok met with Pope Francis in the Vatican City on Thursday. The two ‘discussed communities and the future of our communities,’ the Hungarian President stated to journalists on-site.