Hungarian Conservative

Tag: Hungary news

Lőrinc Nacsa and István Hollik, politicians of the Christian Democratic People’s Party (KDNP), submitted a bill to the National Assembly on Tuesday proposing to ban the sale of energy drinks
The one-year programme starting in the autumn begins with intensive preparation, focusing on imparting basic competencies and knowledge, followed by a six-month period during which students gain deeper insights into
The signed contract consists of a basic order for nine vehicles and options for up to four additional vehicles. GYSEV has three months from the contract’s start to decide how
According to the Hungarian Ministry of Energy, Hungarian gas consumption, similarly to the previous cycle, decreased by a fifth in the last period observed, outperforming the compulsory target prescribed for
The Brazilian relationship is a valuable connection to an emerging power of the 21st century, without serious geopolitical cost attached.
The European Swimming League (LEN) has voted Gergő Zalánki the best men’s water polo player of 2023. The Hungarian star has had an impressive year, but he still has a
Out of the 1,041 projects granted funding, 974 have already been completed, State Secretary for Public Education in the Ministry of Interior Zoltán Maruzsa announced in Dusnok, Bács-Kiskun County, Hungary,
This year’s horse racing season kicks off on Easter Sunday at Kincsem Park with eight races, starting with galloping. Besides horse races, various themed events also await visitors throughout spring
According to the statement by the National Media and Infocommunications Authority, prompted by a citizen’s report, the Media Council examined the second episode of the first season of the series
Discussing philosophy in general and whether it should be incorporated in education is an everyday topic. In this interview, Cornell University professor Barry Strauss delves into the issue, explaining why