Hungarian Conservative

Tag: Hungary news

The Hungarian NGO Menedék is behind the project to give reliable and up-to-date information for foreign workers and refugees currently located in Hungary. According to the website, there are 70,000
In his regular Friday morning interview with public Kossuth radio, Viktor Orbán stated that in terms of European political struggles, traditional categories have been used so far, such as right-wing,
According to Nicola Procaccini, those who attempt to demonize Viktor Orbán are seeking to impose their minority political perspectives onto others. The remarks made by the co-chair of the European
There are about fifty places in Hungary and in Hungarian-inhabited areas beyond the borders where Hollywood filmmakers or actors were born or have ancestral roots. The wall of Hollywood celebrities
The question whether parents should be involved in what goes on in the school comes up frequently. In this interview Anthony O’Hear shares his opinion on the topic, while also
The major polling firm Századvég found that 88 per cent of Hungarians oppose sending NATO troops to Ukraine like President Emmanuel Macron of France suggested. Also, 80 per cent of
Mihai Tîrnoveanu attempted to display a banner with the writing ‘Transylvania is Romanian land’ at a 15 March celebration attended by Foreign Minister Szijjártó of Hungary in Sepsiszentgyörgy. However, the
During the programme, participants will be supported with monthly scholarships ranging from 350,000 to 500,000 forints, allowing approximately 8,000 students, educators, and researchers to gain international experience at the world’s
The pontiff mentions his experience with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of Hungary and the EU bureaucrats in his new autobiography titled Life: My Story Through History, opining that Brussels should
A new VR-assisted surgical procedure was first performed in January at the Paediatric Clinic of Semmelweis University, involving a seven-year-old child suffering from a malignant tumour of the sympathetic nervous