Hungarian Conservative

Tag: Hungary news

In his speech at the event, Viktor Orbán emphasized that in the debate with liberals, it will not be the Soros Empire or Brussels bureaucrats, but nations that will prevail,
Discussions will be held in foreign languages, with interpretation provided for the audience by the organizers. Books by the authors will also be available for purchase on the spot, with
The once-forgotten, dusty, and dilapidated sites of Hungary are gradually reopening, providing entertainment, culture, and educational opportunities for visitors and income from tourism for local residents.
At an event launching the project aimed at improving teachers’ salaries with EU support State Secretary Bence Rétvári reminded that teachers’ salaries nearly doubled over four years, while other governmental
Under the new scheme, the state will cover 50 per cent of the employee’s salary for four or six months. If the workplace is more than 60 kilometres away from
New military tech test centres will be established in Hungary as part of NATO’s DIANA programme, the Hungarian Ministry of Defence has announced.
Head of the Communication Department of the Hungarian Prison Service Colonel György Makula explained that the metal cell furnishings of the new prison will be entirely different from the previously
Following talks with his Thai counterpart, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó revealed that tourist traffic between the two countries has doubled, with more than 10,000 Thai tourists
Among the nominees for Category B of the New European Bauhaus Prize there is a Hungarian project titled Cooperative Ownership for Communities. It aims to create a multifunctional space by
The 2K12 KUB weapon system has been in service in Hungary since the late 1970s; some of the equipment was jointly modernized by the Hungarian and Polish defence industries between