Hungarian Conservative

Tag: Hungary news

During the Hungarian presidency, the debate must continue on whether it is preserving or eliminating connectivity that makes the EU stronger and more competitive, János Bóka emphasized in his lecture
In a recent interview, Minister of Culture János Csák quoted iconic interwar education minister Kuno Klebelsberg, who identified the task of governments as supporting high culture, creating Hungarian great achievements,
Citizen can submit their responses to questions related to 13 important issues ranging from solar panels to reducing utility bills to electromobility.
The European Parliament is seriously considering legal action against the European Commission regarding the allocation of EU funds to Hungary. Despite Brussels releasing €10.2 billion last December, over €20 billion
The Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade summoned Ambassador David Pressman on Tuesday in response to US President Joe Biden’s statement, in which he had implicitly referred to Viktor
The new online jazz radio will be launched on International Jazz Day on 30 April. The radio is named in tribute to one of Hungary’s most esteemed jazz artists, pianist
At the opening of the competition final Zsolt Kutnyánszky, State Secretary for Defence Policy, Military Development, and Defence Industry at the Ministry of Defence emphasized that Hungary needs ‘young people
Peter Pellegrini met with his Hungarian counterpart László Kövér, as well as President Tamás Sulyok, and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. He stressed that Hungary and Slovakia both oppose the removal
In the latest revelation from the undercover footage shot of Action for Democracy operatives, a progressive activist shared how he would bombard heads of major news outlets and low-level journalists
The European Commission proposes starting accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen announced on Tuesday in Strasbourg. Issues being discussed at the