Hungarian Conservative

Tag: Hungary news

At the Winery of the Year award ceremony in Villány State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture Márton Nobilis affirmed that the government and the Ministry remain committed to supporting
The Socialist Sánchez government in Spain vetoed the Hungarian consortium Ganz-MÁVAG Europe’s acquisition of the Spanish train manufacturer Talgo. Their concern was the supposed close ties between Budapest and Moscow,
US Ambassador David Pressman has once again criticized the Hungarian government, this time targeting Viktor Orbán’s peace mission. According to Pressman, no one is truly following the Hungarian Prime Minister’s
The terahertz range of the electromagnetic spectrum can penetrate materials like plastics, textiles, and even biological tissues without causing damage, making it an indispensable tool in imaging, spectroscopy, national security,
Zsófia Kovács, Director of the Brussels Liszt Institute, stated that the exhibition is about identity in today’s diverse world. She emphasized that the prominence of Roma culture in the Institute’s
According to the statement issued by the organizer, Zsolnay Heritage Management Nonprofit Ltd (ZSÖK), visitors at the Star Wars day in Pécs can expect to meet around fifty characters during
President Tamás Sulyok of Hungary spoke at the event commemorating the anniversary of the foundation of the Pannonhalma Archabbey. In his remarks the President stressed the importance of the Christian
Through the application of various new processes and systems, such as power-to-heat, Heat Grid, and eRTO, the Debrecen facility will be the first paint shop in BMW Group’s global production
The government decree limiting mobile phone use in schools was issued in early August and will take effect in September. According to a recent survey published on Wednesday, an overwhelming
Hungary performed outstandingly well at the last Paralympic Games in Tokyo in 2021, collecting seven gold medals. This year, there are 39 Hungarian para-athletes competing in the French capital at