Hungarian Conservative

Tag: Hungary news

President Katalin Novák announced her resignation after causing public outrage with her decision to grant clemency to an accomplice of a convicted paedophile. Novák acknowledged that she had made a
‘In the past year, reasonable and realistic laws and fair regulations were enacted based on the proposals and requests of the Hungarian hunting community,’ the Deputy Prime Minister stated, who
This is the year of developments concerning Hungarian vocational education. The success of the renewed vocational education is due to its focus on practical training and dual education as well
The Hungarian-born French visual artist, Vera Molnar, passed away in December last year, shortly before her 100th birthday. The exhibition opening this Saturday was planned for this significant occasion, and
László Dudog, one of the most severely injured victims of the far-left attacks in Budapest last February, granted an exclusive interview to Italian media. The article has the potential to
The European Commission has launched an infringement procedure against Hungary over the Sovereignty Protection Law, opening a new front in the unending battle over sovereignty between Brussels and Hungary.
The conductor of the concert will be Thomas Sanderling, who has collaborated with masters such as Herbert von Karajan and Leonard Bernstein, while the soloist of the Violin Concerto will
More and more members of the younger generation are visiting the historical cemeteries in Budapest, showing increasing interest in the nation’s past.
Norbert Baráth, the CEO of Speedwolf Sports Organization, emphasized in a press conference that such a prestigious Speedway event has not been held in Hungary since the sport’s inception.
The material compiled from emerging artists of the Y generation highlights one of the most defining artistic trends of recent years, the post-digital movement.