Hungarian Conservative

Tag: Hungary news

The Hungarian Olympic Committee hopes that through educators participating in the training, thousands of students will become familiar with Olympic values such as excellence, respect, and friendship, and eventually become
President Novák emphasized that this is Vahagn Khachaturyan’s first official presidential visit to Hungary. She said their discussions covered various topics including peace in the world, Hungarian humanitarian assistance to
Mayor László Papp reminded that, in line with the new environmental policies launched in 2019, economic development in Debrecen must take place in a sustainable and environmentally conscious manner.
All MPs for the ruling Fidesz-KDNP coalition, as well as some for the left-wing opposition, were absent from the extraordinary parliamentary session called for Monday, thus the vote on Sweden’s
The fifteen-minute documentary focuses on the early challenges of Hungarian cinema history, including the flammability of nitro celluloid film reels, which resulted in numerous tragic fires during the silent film
In the first days of February, nearly a hundred specimens of various species and varieties of orchids from the garden’s orchid collection are blooming simultaneously. These can be thoroughly explored
According to the announcement, during restoration work in the Veszprém Castle, a painting showing the Evangelist Luke was found in the St Emeric Church, while a figure depicting an Austrian
The deadliest forest fire on record in Chile’s history broke out last Friday, killing over 110 people. Foreign Minister of Hungary Péter Szijjártó has sent an open letter to his
The Hungarian athlete earned Hungary’s first gold in open water swimming at the Doha World Championships.
‘It is clear that the unhindered influx of masses of illegal arrivals, aided by criminals, and then the processing of asylum applications within the EU is a failure of failures,’