Hungarian Conservative

Tag: Hungary news

This initiative aims to enhance the scientific utilization of data from planetary exploration spacecraft like JUICE. A comprehensive overview of the experiment was recently published in the prestigious Space Science
Bóka explained that the timing of Sweden’s NATO membership ratification hinges on the pace and efficiency of trust-building between Hungary and Sweden, reassuring Hungarian parliamentary representatives who may have doubts
The press release indicates that the television audience has aged more rapidly over the past two and a half decades than the general Hungarian population. In 2022, those sitting in
The family policy of the Hungarian government, among other things, supports the country’s youth through family benefits that can be availed during their higher education, as well as income tax
According to the information provided by the Sándor Palace, for the most popular question that reached 42 million people on X, 62 per cent of respondents answered that those raising
During the discourse, both the former head of state and the minister underscored the multifaceted ecosystem of arable lands, emphasizing that without the presence of fungi, bacteria, and other organisms,
The Central Statistical Office released its data for the month of November 2023. The press release pointed out that the number of employed individuals reached 4,736,000 in Hungary.
Emmanuel Macron will preside over the national tribute ceremony for Jacques Delors at the courtyard of the Invalides Cathedral in Paris on Friday morning.
As it was pointed out by the Hungarian Competition Authority, the extraordinary resources required for AI technology are presently monopolized by the largest technological giants, potentially distorting market competition in
Secretary Zsigmond expressed concerns over the slow progress in holding representatives accountable for misusing hundreds of thousands of euros. He also highlighted contradictory reports and voting patterns of these representatives