‘Christianity from its beginnings has presented something new with regard to political life: a certain indifference, if I may put it that way, to the political regime. That is, it enjoins rendering unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and…
‘When Marx explained the philosophical foundations of dialectical materialism, he first of all referred to the “development of the natural sciences”, just as the representatives of today’s New Atheist movements like to claim that “science has surpassed God” when explaining…
Over 30 years after the regime change, there are still hundreds of public places in Hungary named after people involved in the introduction and maintenance of 20th-century totalitarian regimes….
While some believe that communism ‘fell’ in 1989, over one billion people still live under Communist dictatorship in China. The best way to understand the logic of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), as well as the recent National Congress of…
The deep and embedded inequalities of state socialist regimes should not be forgotten – their prevalence shows both the failure of any projects to eliminate inequalities as well as the fact that inequalities are naturally part of human existence….