Hungarian Conservative

Tag: MCC Feszt 2024

‘We have to create a cultural environment where wokeness is marginalized as the lunacy that it is,’ Russian-British satirist Konstantin Kisin stated in an interview with Hungarian Conservative.
In an interview with the prominent Hungarian outlet, British political scientist and commentator Matt Goodwin talked about the perception of Prime Minister Orbán in the UK, the ‘liberal conservatism’
‘I think being in the conservative world, you’re used to the media fabricating things. So, it’s nice to see with my own eyes, and to hear from the people that
In the process of international expansion, many fundamentally successful businesses and start-ups falter. What is the reason and how can companies successfully break into foreign markets? These were the questions
This year’s presidential election in the United States was a prominent topic at MCC Feszt 2024. A whole panel of speakers, namely Miklós Szánthó, James Carafano, Mark Milosch, and István
Hungarian military force development is currently taking place in several dimensions: rearmament, real estate and infrastructure development, and transformation of the HDF’s organizational culture. On the second day of this
Vasif Huseynov, Titus Techera, Amitav Acharya, and Şuay Nilhan Açıkalın gathered for a panel discussion on the last day of MCC Feszt 2024 in Esztergom, Hungary to discuss how major
Sebastian Kurz, the former chancellor of Austria; Balázs Orbán, the political director of the Prime Minister of Hungary; and Ján Figeľ, former European Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Youth
MCC Feszt will be returning to Esztergom for the fourth time this year. The event will feature distinguished speakers tackling world events, such as Minister of EU Affairs János Bóka