In a press statement released following his meeting with President Serdar Berdymukhammedov, Viktor Orbán said ‘we need energy to come to Europe from Central Asia,’ and for this, new sources, new routes, and new infrastructure are needed. Turkmenistan can be…
Navracsics reminded that Hungary is to receive 14 trillion Hungarian forints in cohesion funds for the 2021-2027 EU budget cycle. Of this amount, 4 trillion forints have already been received and are continuously being used for rural development….
The Hungarian President emphasised at the HLM on the review of the Sendai Framework in New York that despite Hungary being rather small, it always rushes to the aid of countries in need….
National Bank Governor Matolcsy reminded that during the coronavirus pandemic, the crisis was successfully managed thanks to the joint effort of the government, the central bank, the banking system, the business sector, and families, and the crisis was solved within…
FBI Director Christopher Wray stated on Tuesday that they believe the coronavirus may have escaped from a laboratory before causing a global pandemic. CNN reported as early as 2021 that the FBI was somewhat confident within their organisation that the…
Eurostat released its statistics on excess mortality rates in the EU for December 2022. The numbers show a staggering 19 per cent increase in the region overall. However, in Hungary, the same number is a mere 2.8 per cent….
The PM told in his interview on Kossuth Rádió on Friday that close to 3.5 million people have already received their first vaccine doses, and over 1.3 million received both….
The survey, conducted by the Eötvös Lóránd University’s (ELTE) Psychology Institute, asked more than 700 scientists and researchers about their views and experiences regarding remote working during the pandemic….
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