The 15-year-old boy was allegedly tied to a radiator naked while the other gymnasts were chanting ‘ungure, ungure,’ meaning ‘Hungarian, Hungarian’ in English. It is unclear if legal action will be taken against the perpetrators….
‘There is a ridiculous claim that keeps resurfacing in the Ukrainian, Slovakian and Romanian press: that Hungary has territorial claims against Ukraine. While neither the intention, nor the slightest chance or means are there to support the ridiculous Russian PSYOPS…
Mihai Tîrnoveanu attempted to display a banner with the writing ‘Transylvania is Romanian land’ at a 15 March celebration attended by Foreign Minister Szijjártó of Hungary in Sepsiszentgyörgy. However, the banner was confiscated before the event, and the wannabe disruptor…
The Seklerland club ended up beating Petrolul 2–1, thus finishing fifth in the league. But the game was not without controversy. The match had to be stopped for three minutes in the first half, after anti-Hungarian chants were started by…
‘On 10 March this year, the author of these lines has only one wish: that a miracle may happen in the modern, so-called democratic Romania, and it may become like it was in the 1950s, or even like in the…
The renovated heritage buildings, evoking the golden age of Nagyvárad in the early 20th century, remind visitors that after Budapest, Nagyvárad used to be the second most important economic and cultural centre in the region….
Minister of Agriculture István Nagy of Hungary shared that the countries of Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, and Romania sent a letter to the European Commission, urging it to intervene and help mediate the effects of the mass quantities of cheap,…
The university’s public statement recalled that since 2019, researchers have been conducting excavations near the Transylvanian village of Valiora. Their findings include numerous bones from vertebrates that lived at the end of the Cretaceous period. Scientific analyses of the artefacts…
‘The mamaliga (a typical Romanian boiled cornmeal dish) will not explode,’ Communist dictator Ceaușescu famously said in the 1980s, dismissing the potential of the forces that opposed him. But the discontent with the oppressive regime had been brewing for a…
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