An extraordinary life blessed with unshakeable faith, dedicated to selflessly serving the community: meet Dr. István Horváth, a pillar of the New Brunswick Hungarian American community, and his family….
The Student City planned to be developed with government funding in Budapest could provide thousands of new student residence places within three years, as the country’s demand for higher education housing grows. Minister Balázs Hankó discussed this ambitious project, the…
Hungarian universities have improved their positions in this year’s Times Higher Education World University Rankings. According to State Secretary Veronika Varga-Bajusz, the model change has enhanced the competitiveness of Hungarian institutions, enabling them to achieve better international results….
From this year onwards, Hungarian universities and colleges have full discretion in how to award the 100 ‘extra points’ in the admission process. Minister of Culture and Innovation Balázs Hankó of Hungary lauded the new system, saying it provides ‘flexibility,…
The US News & World Report 2024/2025 higher education ranking evaluated 2,250 universities across 100 countries, based on 13 indicators. Among Hungarian universities ELTE achieved the highest ranking, securing the 485th position….
To achieve this result, SE had to surpass hundreds of American and European universities, including Stockholm’s Karolinska Institute, Sorbonne University in Paris, King’s College London, and Boston and Washington universities in the United States….
Semmelweis University is Hungary’s best and most popular medical and health science higher education institution, ranked among the world’s top 300. One-third of the 16,000 students are foreign nationals from 115 countries, and the university has active collaborations with leading…
A new VR-assisted surgical procedure was first performed in January at the Paediatric Clinic of Semmelweis University, involving a seven-year-old child suffering from a malignant tumour of the sympathetic nervous system. Prior to the operation, the tumour and its surroundings…
Applications for the CSS programme are accepted on the Harvard Medical School website, requiring a professional CV, a cover letter, and a letter of recommendation. Early applications and submissions for the supportive scholarship are open until 12 May, with the…
Following an accident on Friday, where two actors were injured, the director of the National Theatre officially resigned. However, Minister of Culture János Csák did not accept the resignation, and stated that Vidnyánszky will carry on with his duties as…
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