Zsófia Mohos has managed to capture a part of Hungary where the culture and traditions are still kept, but are beginning to fade away. Her project ‘Görbeország’, for which she received the Audience Award of Highlights of Hungary, aims to…
‘Looking at the stories, or the food, rituals and traditions surrounding them, Passover and Easter couldn’t be more different at first sight. But if we look closely, we can see that Passover and Easter are intimately linked on many levels.’…
The four-day Hollókő Easter Festival includes folk programs, Palóc cuisine, bucket-dumping water fights, Kerekes Band and Parno Graszt concerts, as well as children’s programmes….
She came from the small Slovakian town of Somorja, then the ‘splendid statelessness’ took her far away. With her dreamfolk-style songs about the stories of our ancestors, Upper Hungarian singer Rebeka Méry wants to convey what she has brought from…
‘A free and democratic republic without an education that inspires young citizens to love their country on the one hand, and, on the other, raising such citizens without a serious religious education is unlikely to produce anything good or lasting.’…
Conservatives are those who uphold tradition, the nation, and the values of the Bible. If we take care to uphold those principles consistently, it will become increasingly difficult, and eventually impossible, for those who advocate other principles, to present themselves…
‘The Unbroken Thread’ is must-read for everyone who considers tradition, sacrificial love, and liberty as crucial elements of a truly happy and prosperous society….
Unlike the loud and bloody scandal of twentieth-century totalitarian ideologies, today the respect for tradition, continuity, and constancy is vanishing silently, while often attacked and put into the same box with dangerous, truly radical ideas….
The revival and reinstatement of tradition, its restoration if you like, is by no means self-contradictory, and constancy is a more important element of tradition than change….
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