Christmas and the winter holiday have always had special significance in Hungary, even in Socialist times. We have collected some fun facts for you related to Hungarian Christmases through time—enjoy!…
In a break with tradition, Viktor Orbán’s speech at the first plenary session of the European Parliament, where he was to present the programme of the Hungarian Presidency, may be postponed. The stated reason is that the Hungarian PM’s speech…
‘Milei is indeed a conservative, in a pragmatic and very Latin American way. He uses conservatism as a political vehicle toward libertarianism and as an allied ideology to create a new society that brings back old, conservative values.’…
‘When you move abroad, either of necessity or at your own initiative, the inevitable clash between the host and home cultures raises questions about the future of your mother tongue, culture of origin, and national identity. In a foreign language…
In Reform Era Hungary, on Easter Monday in the countryside maidens would be grabbed by boys, dragged to the nearest river and ‘dipped’ in it. If there was no river nearby, they would be taken to wells, laid in troughs…
Among the foods eaten in Italy at Easter, Gianni Annoni highlighted lamb, which is mainly imported from Hungary. He added that eggs are also important, used to decorate savoury cakes, especially in southern Italy, along with spring vegetables and Easter…
Our Lenten traditions include some elements that promote cooperation, while others are about cleaning up our environment or purifying our bodies and souls. By transposing these into the present day we may gather much needed strength in these difficult times….
‘Through the Kun and Jász peoples, this city still represents the Central Asian roots of the Hungarians today,’ Finance Minister Mihály Varga said at the inauguration, adding that herefore, the symbolic building of the Treasure of Karcag Art and Conference…
On the last day of Carnival, we share the thoughts of education scientist Mária Bajzáth, founder of a pedagogical storytelling workshop, on the role of masks, the magic of tales, and the community-building and community-preserving power of the festival….
The consumption of lentils at midnight on New Year’s Eve or on the first day of the New Year is one of the most widespread Hungarian customs. According to tradition, each lentil symbolizes a coin. Those who partake in lentils…
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